Well hello there. Here we go again; my first blog of 2012. Thanks for dropping by. There are a few additions to my website, hope you like. I’ve finished the Baileys, so let’s crack on with another year. Things are a little calmer at the radio station after a manic...
1) It really is the season to be jolly, even if you have to fake it. It’s that little window in winter, when we can momentarily shake off our seasonal affected disorder and pretend we’re having a good time. We can smile and when we receive that surprise Christmas...
December 21st, 2011 4.00pm Presenting an outdoor broadcast at Brighton Dome, Church Street for Juice 107.2 building up to the parade for Burning the Clocks 2011.
December 14th, 2011. 8.00pm Hosting a night of stand-up comedy at the Whistlestop Inn (by Portslade train station), Portslade, featuring headliner Brian Gittins.