Hello Blogster. Thanks for dropping by. I thought I’d update you on what’s going down in my life. Still got the rash but elsewhere there’s some exciting things happening in and around me. Our first interview of the year at Juice is with the singer-songwriter Clare...
Hello and welcome to my blog. I am a relieved man as I write this post. It could have been so very different. I had a very significant day last weekend. In fact I would go as far to say it was momentous. It’s the day every Dad dreams of; the day when you get to take...
Hello you, happy new year. It’s going well isn’t it? Where are we now? Day 5? It’s been an amazing year so far. It’s been amazing because I haven’t came up with any new years resolutions and I have to tell you, it’s such a relief. In fact I’ve decided I’m going to...
So Christmas is nearly upon us and I can honestly say; I’m not a huge fan. It’s become more bearable since I became a Dad and I like a couple of days off from work but on the whole, it’s a pain in the arse. Buying presents, travelling the length and breadth of the...
I’ve got man flu. Not a mild head cold, or ‘the sniffles,’ this is full blown man flu. I feel terrible and you should feel terrible for me. This is the major part of man-flu. Not the symptoms of my illness, neither am I that interested in where I got it from (though,...